Amateras Server is a powerful media server based on Amateras' stable playback and projection mapping technology to build reliable and flexible immersive theater. It can also diplay live and interactive content from high resolution image sources on any screen surfaces. It is designed as a robust single-server solution for permanent installations and integration with various external devices. You can use the Amateras Server in a wide range of applications such as visual events, projection mapping, digital signage and immersive theater systems.
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360-degree media compatibility
Amateras Server fully supports a wide range of 360-degree image formats. Interactively look around in the content, or crop it to fit your screen, for an immersive 360-degree experience.
Supported Content Media Types
Amateras Server allows you to seamlessly handle various types of content media. It also supports stereoscopic viewing, subtitling and network streaming.
Flexible User Interfaces
Amateras Server provides multiple graphical user interfaces that can be used for different purposes. Each interfaces can be operated from a separate multiple devices, wirelessly or simultaneously.
Various Display Environments
Amateras Server has been installed in a wide variety of theater environments. It has evolved through these installations to provide accurate 360-degree video mapping and intuitive ease of use in any environment.
Advanced Projection Mapping
Amateras' powerful projection correction technology combined with a variety of automatic calibration solutions ensures accurate and high-quality video projection in complex multi-projection environments.
Presentation Support Functions
Amateras Server provides interactive presentation functions. Various presentation tools help you to make the most of your theater environment beyond content screening.
Real-time Special Effects
Amateras Server has a number of built-in special effects display features. Special effects can be applied to existing videos in real time to create interactive effects.
Theater Equipments Control
With Amateras Server alone, you can centralize control of your theater equipments, from managing lights and projectors to automating screenings. Playlists and external communication features can be used to integrate with existing theater consoles and equipments.
Dedicated Player and Tools
Dedicated player software for dome, panorama, and room shape screens are provided to work with Amateras Server. Full featured version of these software are available on Amateras Server.
Design for Reliable Video Playback
Amateras Server has been designed for smooth and stable video playback. Performance tuning as well as long-term benchmarking ensures high resolution video playback for the best viewing experience.
Add-on Solution for Planetariums
Amateras Server is a powerful add-on solution to make full use of the planetarium facilities. Leave the rendering of the starry sky to optical projectors and dedicated digital planetariums, and use it as a highly expandable sub-system for the future.
How to Purchase
Amateras Server will be sold on a per-project basis (site license). Some software can be tried out in advance with free trial versions.
*It will take about a month to manufacture the hardware equipment. Please contact us as soon as possible.
If you would like to receive training in projector calibration or have our staff perform calibration work on site, please contact us for further information.
For more information on Amateras products and services, please contact ORIHALCON Technologies, Inc.